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Bądź zmianą, której potrzebuje Ward 2

Serious Man


HOW TO AVOID A FINANCIAL TIME BOMB. FROM GEORGE'S ACCESSNOW TV VIDEO: "Independent City Auditor Generals are responsible for assisting City Council in holding itself and City Administrators accountable for the quality of stewardship over public funds and for achievement of value for money in City operations. All major Canadian cities from coast to coast have one…except Regina! I will call for the reestablishment of the Office of the City Auditor General."

George's video is the last one of the group

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Positive Change is needed

My call to improve the governance, accountability and performance of our city should be welcomed. I seek to improve the quality of both the discourse and decision-making at City Hall. 

I am not now or have ever been sponsored, trained, coached, or influenced by any third party organization. That includes all the ones we are hearing about in the news as well as any organized labour groups. Nobody tells me what to say. I am only guided by common sense, my experience and the views of the great people of Ward 2. 

The only questionnaire I have responded to is from the Regina Leader-Post. I do not have the time before election day to respond to the countless number of surveys and their clear purpose of lobbying for certain projects, causes or positions. Instead, I have been busy door knocking and speak of directly to the residents of Ward 2. 

My sponsors are the residents and friends of Ward 2 Albert Park and Harbour Landing. My fundraising in 2020 is a matter of public record as will be that of 2024. I commit to full transparency.

Assumptions, innuendos, lies and slanderous comments about me say more about the people who publish them than of me. Many are through fake social media accounts, faceless and nameless. It’s sad what social media has done to rational discourse. And that’s just one of several reasons why so few take up the call to serve in elected office. 

I’m working hard to bring my message of positive change to every resident of my Ward. I remain committed to responsible spending, accountable representation and safer streets. I will be a new voice for common sense on City Council where I will work everyday to make the residents of Ward 2 proud. 

News Release

Seeking support from Ward 2 residents in Albert Park and Harbour Landing. No external funding or endorsements in two elections. Solely focused on serving the community. Any group wishing to formally endorse me should contact my campaign for permission.

Positive Change


George will address affordability by fighting against or justifying any new tax hike.


George will make our neighborhoods safer by making sure the police have the tools they need to do their job.


George will fight to eliminate waste so core services can be improved. 


Click the button below to be taken to Election Regina’s Info for Voters web. Find out about advance Poll dates and locations, plus what Poll to go to on Election Day, November 13, 2024.

My Principled Position on “The Pool”


I want to make one thing clear - Regina deserves an indoor aquatic facility that reflects its growth and community needs. Our swim community has been patient, but with costs for the proposed $272 million project likely to increase due to inflation, we must act now to ensure fiscal prudence.


Our city council has handed us a staggering $300 million aquatic centre bill with an annual $7- $8 million annual operating cost forever just as their term ends, and then, conveniently, several councillors decide to leave. Their exodus speaks volumes! 


Regina has a notorious reputation for exceeding project budgets by 30%. With construction costs inflating, the projected $272 million for the pool is likely just the beginning. 


Councillor Hawkins seems to have no qualms about raising your taxes again. Bob has led the tax parade which will leave a legacy of debt for a future generation of taxpayers. But I, along with thousands of residents I've spoken to—including regular users of Lawson and competitive water athletes—disagree. These community members have specifically told me they have not asked for water slides or other extravagant additions that inflate this project.


If elected, one of my first actions will be to introduce a motion for a comprehensive review of the IAF project, exploring all viable alternatives, including additions to, and refurbishment of the Lawson Pool or scaling back unnecessary features. This project must be balanced with Regina's other pressing needs and our infrastructure deficit.


If we had an independent City Auditor-General and councillors with a better grasp of construction costs or at least more common sense, we might have had more viable options for the Lawson Pool. Our first work as a new city council is to address the realistic options for this project and to examine ALL spending. This is crucial to curb the rampant spending that's driven a 25% increase in property taxes since 2019, while services have dwindled.


Our city needs principled leadership that respects fiscal boundaries while caring for community interests. On November 13th, join me in advocating for a sensible, sustainable Regina by supporting candidates who prioritize these values.

White Structure

Zasada 1: Jeśli chcesz reprezentować ludzi, musisz POZNAĆ LUDZI

Zasada 2: Jeśli chcesz poznać ludzi, musisz BYĆ Z LUDŹMI.


Jesteś naszym zespołem

Poświęcenie. Lokalna wiedza specjalistyczna. Pasja zmian.

Naszą Akcję prowadzą wolontariusze tacy jak TY, którzy wierzą, że mieszkańcy Albert Park i Harbour Landing mogą pozytywnie kształtować swoją okolicę. Dołącz do nas, aby coś zmienić.


O nas

Wesprzyj plik Vision_edited_edited.jpg

Kampania na rzecz Wyboru George'a Tsiklisa została założona w 2020 roku przez grupę członków społeczności zainspirowanych ruchami społecznymi z przeszłości. Nasza Kampania rzuciła wyzwanie status quo i walczyła o rozwiązania, których rzeczywiście chcą mieszkańcy Oddziału 2!

Let's Meet!

Ladies having a great conversation at a Meet & Greet

Poszukujemy „kapitanów” ich ulic do organizacji Meet & Greets

Zgłoś swój dom/garaż/podwórko/firmę do swobodnej, zabawnej i pouczającej wymiany pomysłów. George chce poznać wszystkich na oddziale. Spotkania Meet and Greets odbywają się już w kwietniu 2024 r. Skontaktuj się z nami , aby je zorganizować!

Pracuję dla Ciebie, a nie dla miasta


Razem możemy informować i zachęcać innych, aby stanęli w obronie tego, w co wierzą. Dołącz do nas, aby dotrzeć do swoich sąsiadów w naszym okręgu. Jeśli George wie, czego chcesz, może o to walczyć w radzie miasta.

Leaf Pattern Design

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